Thank you Dear kitty. Some blog for nominating me for The real neat blog award.

The ‘rules’ of the Real Neat Blog Award are: (feel free not to act upon them if you don’t have time; or don’t accept awards; etc.):

1. Put the award logo on your blog.

2. Answer 7 questions asked by the person who nominated you.

3. Thank the people who nominated you, linking to their blogs.

4. Nominate any number of bloggers you like, linking to their blogs.

5. Let them know you nominated them (by commenting on their blog etc.)

I was asked the following questions-

1. Where do most visits to your blog come from?

Ans:  India🇮🇳

2. What is your favourite sport?

Ans: Badminton

3. What has been a special moment for you so far in 2017?

Ans: when I won a writing competition

4. What is your favourite quote?

Ans: “ happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if one remembers to turn on the light

5. What was your favourite class when still at school?

Ans: class 8th

6. Anything you had wished to have learned earlier?

Ans: blogging!!

7. What musical instrument have you tried to play?

Ans: guitar

My 7 questions are:

  1. What was the topic of your first blog post?
  2. Any book/movie you wish could unread/unwatch to read/watch it all over again?
  3. On a regular basis, what time/activity of the day do you most look forward to?
  4. Best gift you have ever received?
  5. Your dream job? ( It might be your current job)
  6. If you had an option to get lifetime supply of something, what would that things(s) be? ( Like- books , food,etc)
  7. Do you use WordPress app?

My nominees are-

  1. akshit2708
  2. rekhasahay
  3. radhikasreflection
  4. Rachini the iceberg
  5. Metro and life
  6. Books teacup and reviews
  7. Travelling through words
  8. Aparna Nair

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